In the company of women…

June 29, 2019
I have found support, compassion, reflection, challenge, hope-- in my journey of art and life.
Just returning from an art retreat with one of my current, and newly formed art groups (blessed to be in two!) I am reminded how much I enjoy and need this kind of interaction — and realize that in more informal ways, and earlier art groups — I have never been without it. Growing up with three sisters, we were our own tribe. Still close, we are sounding board to each other, and ongoing support. My first formal art group in the 1980’s helped me define myself as an artist and a feminist. After a decade, that group gave way to another. More focused on the specific art form of “doll”, this group did exhibitions, workshops, collaborative pieces. After this group also ended, I became immersed in the WARM (Women’s Art Resources of MN) mentor program with constant interaction with women around art and process. Then of course, once I started doing shows, I found another cadre of artists that “had my back” offering advice, feedback, on the ground help, and homes away from home. I surround myself with female-ness in my art. All of my figures are female. I decided this when I was pregnant with my daughter. I wanted her first “world” to be filled with images of woman who are complicated, whimsical, wise, funny — and have soul beauty. Our culture needs that. And there are all of you, my dear collectors and observers. For the most part, you are women, and you have sustained me with your support, feedback, great conversation, inspiration — all of these years. I am so grateful to all of the women in my life — here and gone — and yet to come!
Blessings abound