When it Rains

May 29, 2017
The artist's task is one of steadfast commitment to the art. Creative work requires a loyalty as complete as the loyalty of water to the force of gravity. Mary Oliver
Commitment and water – I saw the relationship a couple of weeks ago at my first outdoor show of the season in wonderful Marion, Iowa. It is a 25 year old show, only 50 artists in the city square of this quaint small town merged with Cedar Rapids. The weather forecast was bleak: rain and more rain. I am sure that every artist had the same doubts that I did – a one day show, how could this be any good? That is where commitment comes in. It's like keeping my word, and showing up. Of course, it is about the money, the booth fee already paid, place to stay arranged, the need to make our living – and it is more than that. There is a loyalty to the art that Mary Oliver talks about. Bringing our art to you, the public is part of that process. Sometimes there is a kind of magic that happens, like in Marion. Even though it rained constantly for two days – there were some clearings: notably when we set up our booths and when we tore down – and despite all the wet, the intrepid art lovers of Iowa really showed up. Of course it doesn't always turn out rosy. Like all street artists who make a living doing outdoor shows, I have been in those uncomfortable, risky and destructive weather situations where artists not only don't make money, but may loose their art or display. For the most part, over my 25 years, I have been lucky and blessed with your warmth, welcome and support. Thanks!